Teen Souls was created in 2023 by Darcy Melia and has been running for 11 months.
The group provides a safe space for young girls to come together. It keeps them off
the streets and away from crime. These girls are the girls who have experienced
self-harm, eating disorders, being overlooked, sexual exploitation, suicidal ideation,
domestic violence, and living in dysfunctional homes. This group offers a safe and
confidential place for them to go and express their emotions and feelings. It gives
them a positive outlook on life. We also have guest speakers come in and inspire
them with different life choices, whether this be going in the army or talking about
healthy relationships, boundaries, grooming or drugs. MP George Howarth strongly
supports this programme and keeps in touch often.
A self-development workshop
Teen Soul Sisters offers a variety of self-love workshops. These include creating
vision boards, celebrating Galentines, talking about new trends and their safety (e.g.
vaping), ice baths, shared circle, yoga, talks from guest speakers and affirmations.
Empowering a community for young girls
The girls in this area have experienced things a young person should never see.
These are the girls who act as a mother to their siblings. Who are basically children
yet have been sexually abused. These are girls who are 14 yet have tried to take
their own life. These are the girls that hate their own body so much they starve and
harm it, instead of loving it. These girls are the daughter of the mother who has just
nearly been beaten to death. The daughter of the father who is an alcoholic…But
where is their escape?"
A Safe Space for Young Girls
Creating an empowering and safe space for young girls happens by them coming
together, which is why Teen Soul Sisters aims to not feel like a restraining
educational workshop. We pride ourselves on being a safe space. A place of
honesty, purity, privacy, creativity and opportunity. The group is a chilled, relaxed
space for the girls to enjoy. A place for them to leave all their pressures at the door.
“These are my sisters, your daughters, our future. They are strong and resilient, and
we should tell them this every day.”
– Darcy Melia.
Feedback from members of Teen Soul Sisters Ninja Warrior Day out:
A Heartfelt Thank You
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Mr. Robin Bynes OBE
of Liverpool Heartbeat Foundation for your generous donation of £1,000 to Teen
Soul Sisters. This contribution enabled 20 of our young girls to experience Ninja
Warriors, an opportunity they might never have had without such support. Also to
help purchase some branded tee shirts so we were able to be a team and show
others who we are and what we stand for.
It was an amazing day for all the young teenage girls who participated. They had the
chance to bond, challenge themselves, and create wonderful memories along with
some pizza and drinks. Your support has made a significant impact on their lives,
providing them with an unforgettable experience that promotes confidence,
resilience, and joy. They were all shattered and shared all their photos on social
media of their special Teensouls day.
Thank you, Mr. Bynes, for your generosity and for believing in the mission of Teen
Soul Sisters. Your support is invaluable, and we are deeply appreciative.